Hip Labral tears/FAI

Physical Therapy for Hip Labral Tear in Kansas City

Hip labral tears affect athletes and non-athletes alike.

Labral tears of the hip occur most often in athletes that require repetitive motions of the hip, including but not limited to, soccer and hockey players, runners, weight lifters, and dancers. However, labral tears can affect a broad scope of people at varying ages – even in the absence of a traumatic event. These injuries involve tearing of the cartilage that acts as a ring around the socket of the hip joints. The hip labrum helps to cushion impact and add stability to the joint. Femoracetabular Impingement (FAI) is a structural deformity of the joint that can predispose someone to a labral tear of the hip.

Hip Labral Tear Symptoms

Symptoms of a hip labral tear may include:
  • Sharp pain when bringing the affected leg behind the body
  • Sharp pain with rotation of the affected hip or deep squatting motions
  • Locking or catching sensations in the hip
  • Referred pain to the front of the hip and groin
  • Referred pain in the lower buttock region down the back of the thigh with certain motions
  • Stiffness or limited range of motion in the hip
  • Instability and a feeling of weakness in the hip.

Physical Therapy Treatment of Hip labral tears/FAI

Despite their diagnosis, many individuals with a hip labral tear can benefit from non-invasive physical therapy treatments in Kansas City. Treatment interventions for hip labral tears involve soft tissue therapy to the muscles of the affected and surrounding area; targeted flexibility exercises to restore any lost range of motion; motor control exercises; and strengthening exercises to restore muscular imbalances that are often present with this condition. Conservative treatment can often decrease pain and return an individual full function, but when a labral tear does require surgery, our physical therapy team at F.I.T. can guide you through the post-surgical process while incorporating these treatment techniques and are ready to partner with you to maximize your surgical outcomes!

How F.I.T. Treats a Hip Labral Tear

F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic aims to not only get you out of pain but return you to activities that have been limited because of your hip labral tear. We utilize soft tissue techniques such as A.R.T., dry needling, and Graston to improve muscle length and decrease tension around the hip, as well as restore normal joint mobility of the hips, pelvis, and lower back. Our doctors emphasize re-educating and correcting movement patterns that often place undo stress on the hip joints and subsequently, the hip labrum.

A key area of focus with our patients is working on building control, coordination, and strength in the lumbopelvic region and surrounding musculature. Pelvic and hip function can dramatically affect a person with a hip labral tear/ repair), and since our goal is to make a lasting change, we place a high priority on this key element of your comprehensive treatment plan.

Possible Treatments for Hip Labral Tears/FAI

For other treatment options, check out our chiropractic services for hip labral tears.

Active Release Technique

Dry Needling

Post-Operative Physical Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible for hip labral tear recovery without surgery?

Yes, function can be recovered without surgery. Conservative measures are often successful in reducing symptoms and improving mobility.

Will I need an MRI for a hip labral tear?

Prior to considering surgery for a hip labral tear, you do not need an MRI. Most surgeons will refer you to physical therapy before approaching surgery, If surgery does become the best treatment option, often an MRI will be required.

Do you provide hip labral tear rehab?

Yes, our physical therapists are experts in rehabilitating hip labral tears and repairs.

Tell us about your areas of pain.

Take a couple of minutes to tell us about your symptoms and pain areas. Prefer to chat over the phone? Call us for a free phone consultation.

Virtual Consultation

Visit your local F.I.T. Physical Therapist

Meet the team at any of our 10 locations: Lee’s Summit, Crossroads, Blue Valley, Liberty, Kansas City, Leawood, Paola, Olathe, Overland Park & Shawnee.


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