How to Treat a Concussion in Kansas City
The physical therapists at F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic in Kansas City are highly trained and experienced providers who see hundreds of concussion patients every year across our multiple locations.
We find we are constantly helping people “unlearn” what they know about how to treat a concussion in Kansas City. Here’s why.
Traditional Methods for Treating a Concussion
“Rest.” Isn’t that what we’re always told when someone sustains a concussion? Research on concussion is ever-evolving, and over the past decade, we have discovered new ways to more effectively treat concussions than simply prescribing rest.
While rest is important during the acute phase (24-48 hours) of a concussion, prolonged rest has shown to be ineffective for recovery and can even lead to a worsening of symptoms.
How to (Really) Treat a Concussion in Kansas City

Gradual and progressive activity is a better option for how to treat a concussion in Kansas City; that is, if you stay below the threshold of your concussive symptoms.
Here’s your F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic step-by-step guide to recovery from your concussion.
- Rest for 24-48 hours. This does not mean that after 48 hours you can go back to 100% and get back to your daily life. Gradually getting back into activity and taking it slow is key.
- Reduce your work day hours or school day hours until symptoms calm down. You don’t want to over-stimulate your brain.
- Do not go above your “symptom threshold.” Your symptom threshold is anything that causes your concussion symptoms to increase. Depending on the person, this could include work, looking at your phone, watching TV, or even reading a good old fashioned book. Limiting electronics is the most important part of this step.
- Drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy diet. Steering away from sugar and greasy foods and instead opting for vegetables, healthy fats, and protein are better options for recovery.
- Seek a healthcare professional that is trained in concussion rehabilitation to be guided through a treatment plan that will get you back to your daily routine and feeling normal quicker.
- Be patient!
If you find that your recovery from a concussion is taking longer than expected, you could be suffering from Post-Concussive Syndrome (PCS). This is when symptoms linger longer than the typical concussive symptoms and requires further assessment and treatment.
Can you avoid re-injury?

Secondary Impact Syndrome (SIS) occurs when you have a second concussion during the acute phase of your first concussion. To be clear, SIS can be fatal and is a very serious matter.
The first way to prevent re-injury or SIS is to follow the recovery guidelines listed above and seek professional treatment.
Taking it slow right after a concussion will also help decrease the risk of re-injury.
A lot of times, individuals who have sustained a concussion think they just had a bump to the head and try to go back to their everyday routine immediately. However, then they notice they get headaches more often, are feeling tired or fatigued, and are emotionally drained or have anxiety when they have not had these symptoms prior to the injury.
This is a sign that you are doing too much too soon, and the brain needs a break. Proper rehabilitation and recovery of concussion symptoms will help decrease the risk of re-injury.
Learn more about how to treat your concussion in Kansas City
Concerned about a concussion or even SIS? Contact F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic today, and we’d love to schedule you an appointment with one of our highly trained team members.
McCrory, Paul, et al. “Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport-the 5th International Conference on Concussion in Sport Held in Berlin, October 2016.” British Journal of Sports Medicine, British Association of Sport and Excercise Medicine, 1 June 2017, bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/11/838.
Kontos, Anthony P., and M. W. Collins. Concussion: a Clinical Profile Approach to Assessment and Treatment. American Psychological Association, 2018.