
Hip Treatments in Kansas City

Are you experiencing hip pain?

Hip pain can be caused by repetitive stress as well as poor movement patterns. Deep squatting or repetitive hip flexion can compress or cause repetitive strain to muscles and tendons that surround and stabilize the hip causing tearing and/or inflammation. Certain muscles like the piriformis can become tight or inflamed in the back of the joint compressing a nerve that can cause symptoms as well.

Possible Treatments for Hip pain

Common treatments for hip pain vary depending on the causative factors. Evidence based treatment protocols are vital for long lasting beneficial effects. Leading soft tissue therapies for the hip include A.R.T., Dry Needling, Graston and rehabilitative exercise.

Learn about chiropractic treatments for hip pain. 

Graston Technique

Dry Needling

Active Release Technique

Hip Impingement

Hip impingements or FAI (femoral acetabular impingement) can be caused by labrum being compressed when going into a deep squat or sitting in a position where the hips are overly flexed. This can cause tearing and inflammation leading to localized pain or pain that radiates around the hip joint.

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Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is where the piriformis, a muscle in the back of the hip will become tight or inflamed and cause compression of the sciatic nerve. Usually there is pain with sitting and with active motion. Piriformis syndrome is quite common in runners and long-distance endurance athletes.


off-season training program

Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is pain on the outside the hip that is usually experienced when sleeping or laying on the side. Bursitis is when the fluid filled sac that lays under tendons becomes inflamed producing local and referral pain.

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Hip Replacements

Hip replacements are often the result of osteoarthritis in the hip joint. Physical therapy can be beneficial as both a preoperative and postoperative measure to ensure longer lasting results.

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Tell us about your pain.

Take a couple of minutes to tell us about your symptoms and pain areas. Prefer to chat over the phone? Call us for a free phone consultation.


Virtual Consultation

Symptoms of hip pain can include

  • Sharp pinpoint pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Deep, dull ache
  • Limited range of motion or mobility
  • Pain with deep squatting
  • Pain with running or hip extension
  • Numbness and tingling or pain down the back of the hip
  • Feeling of weakness
Hip Treatments in Kansas City

Hip Physical Therapy

Treatments usually consist of isolating the root cause of the hip pain and introducing the best possible interventions. Possible treatments could be dry needling to reduce inflammation, prescription of proper strengthening and stretching exercises to reduce asymmetries and Graston or A.R.T. to reduce myofascial tension and adhesions. Should surgery be required physical therapy is beneficial for both preoperative and post operative strengthening and retraining of motion.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have hip pain when walking. Do I need a physical therapist?

If you are experiencing hip pain while walking, it would be beneficial to see a physical therapist who can help determine the cause of your pain and provide you with treatments to help relieve that pain.

I'm experiencing hip pain at night lying on my side. Can you help with that?

Yes, the physical therapists at F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic can help determine the cause of your pain and provide you with a plan to help reduce the pain you experience lying on your side.

Our Treatment Process

F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic utilizes a variety of techniques to provide the longest lasting results. The physical therapists will address each case individually, providing you with the combination of techniques necessary to help you become better than before.

Visit your local F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic

Meet the team at any of our 5 locations: Lee’s Summit, Crossroads, Blue Valley, Overland Park & Shawnee.

Contact Us

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