Jaw Pain & TMJ

TMJ Specialist Therapy in Kansas City

Jaw pain, clicking, and even locking of the jaw is often a frustrating problem that affects many people.

In addition to dental care, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ-D), or jaw pain, can often be treated with conservative specialist therapies. There are typically multiple variables that contribute to TMJ-D, including postural issues placing excessive stresses through the neck and mid-back; muscle imbalances; and habitual activities such as gum-chewing, clenching, or grinding (bruxing) teeth.

Jaw Pain & TMG Symptoms

TMJ symptoms may include
  • Sharp pain in the jaw with opening or closing of the mouth
  • Sharp pain with biting or chewing
  • Jaw popping or clicking
  • Facial pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Grinding teeth
  • Jaw clenching

TMJ Treatments

Treatment for TMJ-D includes soft tissue therapy for the jaw, face, neck, and shoulder musculature. This allows for normal length and tension through potentially dysfunctional muscles. Manual mobilization of the temporomandibular joint (if needed), neck, and thoracic spine provide necessary mobility through the joints. Treatments also include corrective exercises to stabilize the neck and jaw, as well as reprogramming movement patterns to reduce clicking, popping, and pain within the temporomandibular joint. Often, dental professionals will prescribe devices for night wear to prevent damage to teeth from grinding and bruxing. Addressing habits such as grinding, clenching, chewing gum, and stress management can be a significant part of reducing the overall problem of TMJ.

Are you suffering from jaw pain caused by TMJ?

F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic utilizes dry needling, A.R.T. and Graston to restore the proper motion, texture, and tone to the muscles, fascia, ligaments, nerves, and tendons to eliminate the patient’s pain and musculoskeletal dysfunction. Dry needling is an effective treatment to address myofascial trigger points of the face and neck.

Cervical and thoracic spine manipulation/adjustments are useful to restore normal range of motion and biomechanics to the neck and mid back, as well joint mobilizations to hypomobile temporomandibular joints for proper movement with opening and closing of the mouth. Corrective exercises described above are individually prescribed by our TMJ Specialists Therapy in Kansas City to help teach stability and postural correction for proper jaw function, as well education on activity modifications and eating habits to reduce irritation to the joint.

Possible Treatments for TMJ

For other treatment options check out our chiropractic services for jaw pain & TMJ.

Active Release Technique

Dry Needling

physical therapy as part of your normal routine

Rehabilitation Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I feel TMJ Pain Relief?

The conservative treatment techniques our chiropractors utilize in caring for TMJ have been proven to decrease tightness while minimizing popping of the jaw.

Tell us about your pain.

Take a couple of minutes to tell us about your symptoms and pain areas. Prefer to chat over the phone? Call us for a free phone consultation.

Virtual Consultation

Visit your local F.I.T. Physical Therapist

Meet the team at any of our 10 locations: Lee’s Summit, Crossroads, Liberty, Leawood, Paola, Blue Valley, Olathe, Overland Park, Kansas City, & Shawnee.


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